Work is progressing well on Moseley Farm, with the Farmhouse now structurally reconfigured, and the contract on the first three barns – non-designated heritage assets – commenced, and the planning process for the remaining three underway. We are looking forward to working with our dynamic contractor, RDS Build Ltd, as this exciting brownfield redevelopment continues, and new life is breathed back into this historic site.
Out of brownfield, comes extra care…
We are thrilled to have finally submitted for planning on this sensitive scheme in Norwich for Sequential Investors Ltd with Housing 21 as the end user. It boasts 88 extra care apartments with communal facilities have been carefully considered with their setting, which is on the edge of the National Park and adjacent to a complex of Grade II listed structures.
Our design took considerable care to respond to the setting and its wider context in terms of scale, materiality and Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, and has had an extensive pre-application liaison with the local authority to actively engage them and de-risk this scheme as far as possible for our client. Our goal is to create a community and strong sense of place for its eventual residents on this brownfield, former pub site.
Zebra Group Sponsoring Worcester Warriors Club Captain, Ted Hill
Zebra Group Limited are proud to be sponsoring England flanker and Worcester Warriors Club Captain Ted Hill for the 2021-2022 Gallagher Premiership Campaign and wish him well on his selection for the England training camp next week! England Rugby
Photo courtesy of Worcester Warriors!
CIH Manchester Event
After a very busy weeks, we’re reflecting on CIH …
Thoroughly enjoyed seeing existing and new clients, hosting our own successful event and having plenty of fun in between…
Thanks for having us Manchester….we can’t wait to come back next year #2022 …
Part 2 Architectural Assistant - Job Opportunity
We are looking for a Part 2 Architectural Assistant to join our Dazzle. If this exciting opportunity is for you then please apply using the link below. Part 2 Architectural Assistant with a minimum of two years UK practice experience in the residential job with Zebra Architects Limited | RIBA Jobs (
CIH Manchester
Zebra Group are attending the CIH Conference in Manchester, Tuesday 7th-9th September.
In attendance will be;
Chris Partington Richard Madeley Tim Carter Julian Hill Natalie Johnson Louise Brown Stephanie Turner James Bullock Emma Seaton Thomas Cleeton.
If you would like to arrange a 1-1 with any of the team then please contact #CIH #manchester #networkingevent#insidehousing
Zebra Architects Limited Zebra Land & Development Zebra Landscape Architects Ltd Zebra Ecology Ltd Zebra Trees Ltd
Haselor Hill
Visiting three months on from completion, it was lovely to see Haselor Hill submersed in its landscape with the gardens maturing around it. The family enjoying their replacement home which frames panoramic views of the Malvern and Breedon Hills.
Stripped and bare.
Moseley Farmhouse has been stripped back to a state never seen before, and always interesting to see this rare opportunity of how the bits of the building were fitted together back then. Amazing work by RDS Build who have progressed this so far in such a short space of time.
As if it were always there......
From our visit to Hopton Street, Worcester last month, it’s wonderful to see that these 25 new homes for Platform have integrated with their landscape and adjacent allotments as if they were always there. Looking forward to the grand opening soon.
Iceworks in baking heat
It’s great to see phase 1 of the old iceworks redevelopment completed and largely being enjoyed by their new occupants. Meanwhile phase 2 is progressing, with the 19th century structure largely remediated after large sections of rotten timber purlins were cut out and replaced with matching. Conservation rooflights have been installed to create a beautiful mezzanine space amongst the old timber structure.